Go To Brand

Beneficiary MaBiBi Dydo-Pyrchla Magdalena is part of the project:

‘Increase of MaBiBi brand awareness through pro-export activities.’

as part of Operational Programme ‘Intelligent Development 2014-2020, sub-activities 3.3.3 Go To Brand.

Aims and planned outcomes of the project: Increase in brand awareness of MaBiBi across international markets through participation in Promotional Programme of Polish Fashion. Increase of export sales and acquisition of new international contractors. Higher revenue from export sales will expand brand’s reach and will ensure MaBiBi’s increase of brand awareness, leading to company’s growth and development.

Projetc value: 229 200,00 zł

European Funding input: 194 820,00 zł

Project dates: 02.11.2020  r. – 31.07.2022 r.
More information about MaBiBi’s participation in the project can be requested via email on: kontakt@mabibi.pl.